
Western Montana News is a community-powered news and opinion social media site built for the citizens of Montana. Anyone from Montana may make a contribution to the site.

Western Montana News aims to provide a platform where anyone from Montana can express themselves freely.

We encourage Members to share what's happening locally.


Montanans may sign up for a free account to post content, replies or like content.

Members can upgrade their account with a paid Eagle membership to access special features and benefits including a Verified Verified badge, topic curation features, detailed post analytics, advanced email and push notifications, and access to new features.


Members who sign up for an account may share their voice by composing a Voice or submit a more thoughtful local story or op-ed by composing a Story.

Members may also like and comment on a Story or Voice.


Members with accounts may post a comment or reply to other comments on a Story or Voice.


Members with accounts may like a Story or Voice or another Member's comments.


Members may sound off and express themselves by composing a Voice. A Voice is immediately published to the site. Members may attach a photo or PDF document to a Voice.


Members may submit a thoughtful local story or op-ed by composing a Story. Once a Story is submitted, the editorial team collaborates with the Member to prepare their Story for primetime. We offer help editing a Story and creating a featured image for a Member's Story.

Each Story is shared directly to our network of thousands of Montana subscribers across the website, email, push notifications, and multiple social media channels.

Members can also receive a Tip from a reader on a Story. Members keep all their tips less a fee from our payment processor. WMN does not take Members tips.


The Firehose is a news feed that combines national and world news from multiple sources with Voices shared by local Montana Members.


Members with a red check Verified are considered Verified by Western Montana News. This means the Member has subscribed to an Eagle membership or has published a story and has spoken with our publisher.


Western Montana News aims to provide a platform for any Montanan to express themselves. Abuse of this service will not be tolerated.


If you have questions or comments about Western Montana News or would like to learn about joining our team, email us.