800+ Signatures Demand Resignation of Gallatin County Health Officer Matt Kelley

By Roy McKenzie

After being rebuked recently by Governor Gianforte and later Attorney General Knudsen, Gallatin County Health Officer Matt Kelley is facing additional heat for his SARS-CoV-2 orders. This time, from the citizens of Gallatin County.
Gallatin County resident Kyle Voigtlander, 22, started a Change.org petition calling on other Gallatin County residents to “Demand the Resignation of Matt Kelley.” The petition was created Saturday and has amassed over 800 signatures in just 5 days. Voigtlander also organized a mask mandate protest at the capitol last July.
Voigtlander said he started the petition because the effects of the orders given by the Gallatin County Health Department have been more devastating than the effect of the virus itself, “Business owners in Gallatin County dealt with shutdowns, mandates and local government overreach. Too many people lost jobs, homes, and livelihoods because of unconstitutional mandates.”
He wants to see Gallatin County Health Officer Matt Kelley resign and for the entire board of health to be replaced in a way that provides democratic accountability for the health boards actions. Legislation to reign in health board authority is winding through the Montana Legislature.
“Someone has to speak up. Protest all you want outside buildings, but until somethings on paper, nothing will be done,” Voigtlander said.