Missoula Republicans Hosting Meet and Greet with City Council Candidates, State Rep Town Hall Tuesday


The Missoula County Republicans are holding their monthly Central Committee meeting this Tuesday at Christian Life Center at 6pm, inviting candidates for Missoula City Council for a meet and greet and State representatives including Rep. Mike Hopkins (HD92), Rep. Kathy Whitman (HD96), Rep. Brad Tschida (HD97), and Rep. Denley Loge (HD 14) for a Legislative Town Hall. 

The deadline to file for candidacies for mayor and city council is June 21.

Ward 4’s Amber Sherrill voted for mask mandates.

The slate is already teeming with candidates with nearly all city council incumbents not running including Ward 4 Amber Sherrill who voted for mask mandates as an appointed City Council representative to the Missoula County Board of Health.

The Missoula County Republicans stated mission is to elect Republicans in Missoula and the group is currently looking for candidates to run for Missoula Mayor. They are offering training, grassroots and financial support, as well as their volunteer resources.

Doors to the meet and greet and town hall will open at 5:30pm.

Be there if you want to see who is stepping up to lead or if you are willing to step up and lead.

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Roy McKenzie

Roy McKenzie is Publisher of Western Montana News. He covered Missoula County's response to the COVID-19 event during 2020 and 2021, the discrepancies found in the 2020 Missoula County General Election, and covers politics in Missoula.

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