VIDEO: Partnership Health Chief Medical Officer Reverses, Makes Maskless Accommodation After Citing HB 501

You don't need to wear a mask to be accommodated at Partnership Health Center.

Yesterday, I went into Partnership Health Center to get regular lab work done. With the passage of HB 501, I knew it meant that I could finally receive treatment without the need for ridiculous mask theater. I have avoided going in, electing to have a tele-health appointment with my care provider recently. I prefer to talk in person.

When I entered the building around 4pm, I was confronted with the usual wall of resistance. Thermometers. Plexiglass partitions. Hand-sanitizer stations. And a desk with two screeners. I was handed a mask to wear and said thank you and proceeded to walk to an intake desk. The attendant who handed me the mask said it was required that I put the mask on.

Knowing the new law, I recited a summary back to the young lady who was very adamant that I wear the mask. She said she had not heard of the law. I told her it passed on May 14th. She stepped away into the back of the lobby to confer with the other clinic staff.

After about a minute, the young lady came back out and said I could speak to the Supervisor. I agreed. At that point, an alarm sounded throughout the building with a voice indicating that I had created a “code red” health security breach.

Groups of staff were standing around observing me as I waited. Some whispering. Some glances. Many just standing and seemingly waiting to see how it all was going to go down.

After about a minute, I could see a crowd of administrators forming including Juanita Vero, who co-signed a letter with Mayor Engen to demand masks for Missoulians, and Partnership Health Chief Medical Officer, Dr. James Quirk.

At that point it dawned on me that I should probably record the interaction so I pulled out my phone and started recording.

Per the video below, you can see Dr. Quirk approach me and ask how I can be helped. I told Dr. Quirk that I needed my blood drawn for lab work. He promptly told me that, “You need to put a mask on to come into the building.”

I immediately pushed back and told Dr. Quirk that what he said was not true and as a matter of law, I had the right to be there and get treated without a mask. After I told the physician that the law bound him to treat me, Dr. Quirk said, “Uhm, we can try to come up with a plan to do that, but you’re not coming in without a mask.” I was there only to get my lab work done, not something that usually requires a special appointment or “plan.”

Was the Chief Medical Officer of Partnership Health Center not aware of the new law that affected the public health orders he and his staff have instituted in their facility? I would be surprised if he did not know. He did not dispute that the law existed, he only made emotional appeals as to why Partnership “feels” that masking people is still the right decision.

I cited the law again in protest to his emotional appeal. At that point in the video, Dr. James Quirk realizes that I am recording and asks, “Are we getting videoed right now?” I responded, “Yes.”

After Dr. Quirk is sure I am recording, he briefly tried to continue to push back, but quickly shifted gears. Forgetting that his first question to me was, “What can I do for ya?” to which I responded, “I am here to get blood drawn for testing.” he asked me again, “What do you need?”

I told him, again, that I needed labs done. With knowledge of the cameras on and the reality of the law setting upon him, Dr. Quirk finally relents and allows for a “compromise.” “We have an area where people who are not following our safety protocols can be placed so we can draw the labs in a separate room,” said Dr. Quirk.

If there was already “an area” for people like me, why not offer it to me immediately? Why blare an alert for other patients entering the building to hear? Why broadcast my private health information? Why make an example of me to not only the staff, but to patients coming in? Is that not a HIPAA violation?

Dr. Quirk was wearing a surgical mask and, as you can see in the video, rushed up to me at the beginning of his conversation, not at all observing social distancing rules. If the threat is so large that it really does require placing me in a separate room in order to treat me, why is he wearing a surgical mask that allows respiratory droplets to move around easily and why did he not observe social distancing?

The whole interaction felt like a disciplinary measure, a control tactic, and a digging-in of the heels, more than a routine visit to the clinic for a blood draw. At some point, the health administrators in Missoula County will need to admit the true risks of this virus, give up their tyrannical desire for control of Missoula County citizens, and start respecting our liberty again. But it doesn’t seem they will until we push back. I invite you to, please, push back. Lawfully and respectfully. The law is on your side.

(ps. Despite the initial trouble, the intake coordinator and phlebotomist who helped me after finally being admitted were very kind and friendly. Thank you!)


HB 501 accommodation at Partnership Health Center
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Roy McKenzie

Roy McKenzie is Publisher of Western Montana News. He covered Missoula County's response to the COVID-19 event during 2020 and 2021, the discrepancies found in the 2020 Missoula County General Election, and covers politics in Missoula.


  1. […] I tested out the new law at Partnership Health yesterday when I went to get lab work completed. […]

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