VIDEO: US House Candidate Ryan Zinke Wags Finger At Flathead Woman Probing Vote Record: “Have you served? Don’t ever question my oath of office.”

Ryan Zinke instructs Flathead Liberty Coalition member Lauralee O'Neil not to question loyalty, oath of office after questions about voting record.

As a result of population increase in Montana from data collected during the United States 2020 Census, Montana will be apportioned additional representation in the US House of Representatives in the form of one additional House seat. The new congressional apportionment will give Montanan’s a total of four representatives when a candidate is elected in 2022 including two Senators and two House members.

Former Montana at-large US House member Ryan Zinke is running for the job, again. Zinke left his seat in March, 2017 to join President Donald Trump’s administration as Secretary of the Interior. He resigned in January, 2019.

Last Thursday, Zinke joined the Flathead Liberty Coalition in Kalispell for a meet and greet and question and answer forum. During the meeting, attendees asked Zinke questions regarding election integrity, Zinke’s voting record, and his commitment to serving out his term.

Several attendees brought up the 2020 election, the ballot discrepancies in Missoula County, and the election anomalies across the nation. Flathead Liberty Coalition members expressed concern that even if Zinke runs a successful campaign, what is to stop potential election fraud throughout Montana from robbing him of a fair election.

One attendee, Lauralee O’Neil, asked Zinke, “It happened right here in the Flathead. It happened in Missoula. We have machines too, here, throughout our state and they have an algorithm. We have machines throughout this country. How can you possibly hope to get elected with this massive election fraud?” O’Neil continued, “And why do you suppose every person in congress that has [said] honoring their oath to the Constitution [is a priority] did not rise up and demand another election? I don’t get that. And you took an oath to the Constitution. I’m wondering as I’m listening to you if it was to the principal of the constitution or to the literal Constitution. You got a 60% rating from John Birch Society Freedom Index where they look at constitutional votes in 2016.”

At this point Zinke, a former Navy Seal, walks over to O’Neil and interrupts, “Now I gotta ask you a question. How many times have you served in combat and how many flags have you brought home?” Zinke continued, leaning in and wagging his finger in the woman’s face, “Don’t ever question my oath of office and don’t ever question the Constitution of the United States.”

Ryan Zinke instructs woman not to question loyalty, oath of office after probing about voting record.

Another woman responded to Zinke to defend the principle of O’Niel’s question, “This is the United States, we can question anything.” Zinke responded sheepishly while walking away, “Don’t question my loyalty.” Others in the room admonished him with boos.

Undeterred, the O’Neil responded, “I am not questioning the Constitution, sir. I am questioning your voting record.” She continued, noting that he voted for the Every Student Succeeds Act, omnibus spending bills, and other legislation unpopular with Constitutional Republicans.

Zinke defended his votes and told attendees that despite questions about his voting record, he has the influence to protect Montanan’s and the support of the President. “I’ve got the President of the United States backing me,” Zinke said. Though Zinke did serve under President Trump, Trump has not endorsed the House candidate for his bid to fill Montana’s new congressional seat.


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Roy McKenzie

Roy McKenzie is Publisher of Western Montana News. He covered Missoula County's response to the COVID-19 event during 2020 and 2021, the discrepancies found in the 2020 Missoula County General Election, and covers politics in Missoula.

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