For “Pride” Missoula’s LGBT Center Should Disband

"Aren't they adorable?" a caption from one Facebook post from the organization read.

In the late 1980’s, Dr. Anthony Fauci encouraged Americans suffering from AIDS diagnoses to take a toxic cancer drug known as AZT (Zidovudine) to treat their illness. The drug killed patients more quickly than their diagnosis would have. The greed of the pharmaceutical companies and the breakdowns in health safety overseen by Dr. Fauci at the beginning of the AIDS crisis have been covered extensively by the media and AIDS activists.

Newspapers across America banner-headlined that AZT had been “proven to be effective in HIV antibody-positive, asymptomatic, and early ARC patients,” even though one of the panel’s main concerns was that the drug should only be used in a last-case scenario for critically-ill AIDS patients, due to the drug’s extreme toxicity. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), was now pushing to expand prescription.

The FDA’s traditional concern had been thrown to the wind. Already the drug had spread to 60 countries and an estimated 20,000 people. Not only had no new evidence allayed the initial concerns of the panel, but the follow-up data, as Dr. Brook predicted, had fallen by the wayside. The beneficial effects of the drug had proven to be temporary. The toxicity, however, stayed the same.

The majority of those in the AIDS-afflicted and medical communities held the drug up as the first breakthrough on AIDS. For better or worse, AZT had been approved faster than any drug in FDA history, and activists considered it a victory. The price paid for the victory, however, was that almost all government drug trials, from then on, focused on AZT — while over 100 other promising drugs were left uninvestigated.

“Sins of Omission: AIDS and the AZT Scandal,” November 1989. Spin Magazine.

Flashback to 2020 and the COVID-19 hysteria, Dr. Anthony Fauci is back again, pushing bogus science around masking, SARS-CoV-2 mortality, and vaccine efficacy and ignoring and subverting treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in order to secure the bag for big pharma. Meanwhile, “advocacy groups” like the Western Montana LGBT Community Center in Missoula, charged with sharing history and advocating for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, have had collective amnesia.

The Western Montana LGBT Community Center has been lock-step in its hype around masking, using the masks as a fundraising tool since Governor Steve Bullock and Missoula City-County Health Director Ellen Leahy shutdown public events, gatherings, businesses and community events in Missoula and throughout Montana.

Under the guise of raising funds and “health safety,” people claiming to be allies of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals have literally sewn the chains of bondage for these people in the shape of rainbow-colored masks. Seemingly, their goal was not to take seriously health concerns for their community, but to perpetuate their own existence.

At least the AIDS activists in the 80’s and 90’s had a critical eye towards Dr. Fauci. Embarrassingly, the Western Montana LGBT Community Center and its board of directors have followed like sheep behind Dr. Fauci without question or reference to his past sins against people afflicted with AIDS, many of them gay.

The Western Montana LGBT Community Center is not an advocate for the health and safety of people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, that much they have proven. It is instead a part of the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party apparatus in Missoula County. They exist only to perpetuate their own existence, like may other non-profits in Missoula County, and it is time the organization disband.

Western Montana LGBT Community Center Homepage. June 30, 2021.
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Roy McKenzie

Roy McKenzie is Publisher of Western Montana News. He covered Missoula County's response to the COVID-19 event during 2020 and 2021, the discrepancies found in the 2020 Missoula County General Election, and covers politics in Missoula.

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