Montana House Rep Theresa Manzella (SD-85) checked in from Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium on Election Integrity last night saying, “We’ve just arrived at the Cyber Symposium. Excited about the truth we’ll be digesting over the next few days.” Manzella made the announcement on the Montana First Audit Chat Telegram channel last night at about 10pm.
Additional Montana representatives are attending the Lindell Symposium including Paul Fielder (HD-13), Steve Galloway (HD-24), Theresa Manzella (SD-85), Bob Phalen (HD-36), Jerry Schillinger (HD-37), Brad Tschida (HD-97) and Restore Liberty’s Darin Gaub a former HD-83 Rep candidate.
The state representative also mentioned this morning that Montana was well represented with eight Montanans in attendance.
The Cyber Symposium starts today at 8am, live-streaming at, and RSBN on Rumble. The event is being held at the Military Heritage Alliance in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Mike Lindell has announced a $5 million prize for anyone that can prove that the data to be shared at the event is not “valid data from the November 2020 election,” according to an event flyer. The data that Lindell is referring to is packet capture data (or PCAPS) that allegedly prove that not only were election tabulation devices in counties across the United States connected to the Internet, but that they were infiltrated by foreign actors to “flip” vote tabulation totals.
Manzella said in a statement to Missoula County Tyranny,
“There’s nothing more important to a representative republic than fair elections. While Montana was not a contentious battleground state in the last election cycle, rumors and rumblings of election fraud, supported by a significant amount of evidence (ie. Straight Through The Heart) have been floating around for many years.”
“If for no other reason, we owe our citizens an audit as a display of good faith in an effort to restore their trust in our election system. We also need to conduct a forensic audit so as to perfect the process and use it as a performance metric for election integrity and efficiency,” Manzella shared.
In 2012, a Missoula public accountant, business owner and candidate for public office, Patty Lovaas “died suddenly” after a lengthy investigation she conducted on election tabulation machines in Missoula County. Community members believe she was murdered in relation to her investigation of the ballot tabulation records.
Patty Lovaas, seeking the Republican nomination for Montana secretary of state, again has called upon the Missoula County Sheriff’s Office for help in her lawsuit against Missoula County. In a letter sent to the sheriff, Lovaas alleges “election discrepancies” and “manipulation of the election” in May 2011.
“Now what’s happened is the county has tampered with evidence in violation of the law,” Lovaas said last week.
Sheriff Carl Ibsen was out of the office, but Missoula County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Jason Johnson said investigators will closely review the allegations for any evidence of criminal misconduct. However, he said an initial review does not show “anything substantial” in the documentation from Lovaas.
Last year, the sheriff’s office investigated a similar complaint by Lovaas and found her claims of election fraud had no merit.
“I can tell you that’s the expectation this time as well,” Johnson said.
As far as Lovaas is concerned, election outcomes across Montana are manipulated by a “high-tech” scheme that means winners are “decided long before anyone goes to the polls.” She is calling for “checks and balances and quality controls.”
CPA Patty Lovaas wages campaign against Missoula elections office by Keila Szpaller. Missoulian. March 31, 2012.
MISSOULA – Patty Lou (Platt) Lovaas died suddenly from cancer Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2012, at the age of 60. She was born in Minneapolis on March 28, 1952, and lived an exciting life. She was a certified public accountant in Missoula and owned and operated Elkhorn Hot Springs Lodge in Dillon along with her husband Orville and sons.
Patty Lou (Platt) Lovaas. Missoulian. December 28, 2012.
“Patty’s passing is a great loss for us all,” one commenter wrote on her obituary. “Her research and attention to civic matters brought much information to the public that would otherwise have gone undetected. She will be missed on many levels by all who knew her.”
In January 2020, a review of ballot signature envelopes found that 4,592 ballots from the Missoula County 2020 General Election were missing legally required chain of custody documentation. Missoula County elections administrator Bradley Seaman has not cooperated with requests to resolve the discrepancy. The Missoula Election Integrity Project is preparing a legal challenge against the county to gain access to the ballots to verify the election night tabulation.
A petition demanding full forensic audits of Montana counties, including Missoula, has reached over 500 signatures.
Update (11:14am): Photos

Update (11:20am): Watch the Cyber Symposium livestream at and on Rumble from RSBN here:
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