Missoula Has A Marxist Government

In words that could only be appreciated from John Wayne as Sargent Striker in the movie Sands of Iwo Jima, “Life is tough, but it is tougher when you’re stupid.” Most Montanans pride themselves on not being stupid. However, it seems Missoulians do not understand that principle. Missoula voters have managed to elect and keep electing Marxists to manage the city and county governments for at least the last 16 years. Not so fast, you might say. Well, please consider the evidence.
We first must remember that the Marxists have spent the best part of a century putting in place the government and the useful idiot minions needed to achieve what they have achieved so far. Missoula, Montana, is a Marxist run city. The first evidence I offer is the bus company the Marxist government promised the taxpayers would be self-supporting. When the citizens first complained about the obvious low ridership, the Marxist solution was to blackout the bus windows so the citizens wouldn’t or couldn’t determine the passenger count. When ultimately the financial reports documented the economic failure of the bus system, the Marxist city government did what all Marxist countries do and declared the bus system a “free” public service. The fact that the majority of the taxpayer didn’t want it was of little concern to Mayor Engen and his Marxist minions.
To reinforce the evidence that the City of Missoula has a Marxist government, we only need to look at the Missoula city water system. Aside from the system costing tens of millions of dollars more than promised, the city operated maintenance of the system is atrocious. When Mountain Water owned and operated the system, if a line broke in the street, Mountain Water sent a crew out to fixed it immediately, whether it was their problem or an individual home owner’s problem. If it was a home owner problem, Mountain Water then billed the home owner. Today, if the city water people decide it is not a city problem, they tell the homeowner to find and hire a commercial contractor to get it fixed.
Unlike Mountain Water, who always had manpower available to fix a problem, hiring a contractor often takes days or a week to get someone on-site. The point is that the whole neighborhood has to suffer a problem for an extended period of time while waiting for a commercial contractor to become available. This is another demonstration of “the efficiency” of a Marxist government.
Ask anyone in Missoula who was raised in a communist country about what they see happening in Missoula today. They are starting to relive their communist upbringing and they do not like it. They have chosen to run away from that lifestyle, and they thought Missoula was a refuge.
This week, due to the Marxist government decree that children must wear masks in Missoula Public Schools, every private and church based school became filled to capacity in Missoula. My church school will be able to take more students if a suitable additional teacher can be found.
Missoula city and county governments are being run by Marxists. If you like what you see in “the third world” parts of California, Oregon, and Washington, soon you will see more of it in a town and county near you. The pattern is set; all Marxist governments are the same. It is only a matter of timing. Mayor Engen, his Marxist City Council and Marxist Missoula County Commissioners will make sure of it. Never forget that the primary goal of Marxism, as stated in the Communist Manifesto, is to achieve a Communist State. Always keep in mind that so many of Missoula County voters are not direct taxpayers and have no serious skin in the game.
Remember, you will always get the exact government you deserve. If you do not like the government you have, did you do everything within your power to try to gain a different government? Could you have committed more time and or money before the last election? If you could have and did not, maybe you do deserve the government you have.
I was opposed to the city buying out Mountain Water. There was no way in hell they could run it efficiently. Missoula is a Marxist city and has truly turned into an overpopulated, polluted town that has no resemblance to a city in Montana. They killed the culture and made it a little California.