The Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil

By Julie Martin

Ryan Zinke’s congressional candidacy has once again shone a spotlight on a concept I like to call “Einstein’s definition of political insanity”: the action of voting for the lesser of two evils, repeatedly (simply because “he’s a Republican!”), and thinking that, magically, the candidate will morph into a principled politician. Someone who instead looks out for his constituents and cares about his oath to the Constitution. What illustrates this concept even more in relation to Zinke is that he has already proven that he does not care about the Constitution or his constituents. He has an abysmal voting record that is available to the public and past behavior is an excellent predictor of future behavior.
Montanan’s for Limited Government tracked the votes of Ryan Zinke during his time as US House Representative in 2015 and 2016. What they found was that Zinke received less than stellar scores from conservative vote tracking groups. In 2015 and 2016, the following groups gave him these scores, respectively: Heritage Action, 67% both years; FreedomWorks gave him a 62% and 74% score; Club for Growth gave him a 63% and 65% score; and CPAC gave him a 71% and 68% score:
This previously published report contains a video of Zinke resorting to political gaslighting and deflection when a constituent had the audacity to question his indefensible voting record:
John Quincy Adams wisely said, “Duty is ours; results are God’s,” yet some of those who claim to be Christians obviously do not trust God with the results, because they surrender their principles time and again; they hold their noses and vote for “the lesser of two evils.” The lesser of two evils is still evil, yet somehow God will still honor our evil choice?
I am beyond tired of being told that it is my “duty” to vote Republican no matter what. That somehow my vote for a principled conservative who happens to be an Independent or a Libertarian or a Constitution Party member is a “wasted vote.” I am reflexively labeled as a “liberal Democrat” who is going to assure that the Democrat wins if I do not vote for Zinke. I call BS!
The reason our election system and the Republican Party, in particular, are such a mess is exactly because of this illogical and circular reasoning. I would rather leave a race on a ballot blank or fill in a candidate of my choice or vote for another party than surrender my conscience and principles. I prefer to trust that the Lord is going to honor me for standing on principle; therefore, I will not cave to evil peer pressure that violates my God-given conscience.
If we end up with a Democrat, then so be it. At least we will be dealing with a “devil we know,” because most Democrats are pretty straightforward about who they are and what they support. Occasionally, they can even be convinced to vote the right way, but at least they are consistent.
On the other hand, these snake-in-the-grass pseudo-Republicans will pat our shoulders while they are stabbing us in the back. It is a total crap shoot (pun intended), where one honestly never really knows what they are going to get. But usually, we get the shaft, to put it mildly. The bottom line is my vote is my vote and no one is entitled to it. My vote has to be earned and I do not vote for people who are unworthy of it, regardless of political party. The sooner the Republican Party understands this and stops running these crap-sandwich candidates, the better. There is no “political Messiah” and that most especially applies to Ryan Zinke.
Ms. Martin, I commend you for standing firm on what you believe. Do not waver nor give in the the pressure to conform. Do not comply!I was recently at a meeting in which the main topic was the candidate of choice for various elections. When I heard someone say that a vote for anyone other than Zinke (the Libertarian) would be a vote for the Democrat (perhaps not exact wording, but very close), I simply got up and walked out. I consider this to be guilt manipulation and will not be a part of it. The main problem here is that, during elections, people are focused on the wrong thing and participate for the wrong reason. They have an “us vs. them” mentality and are not interested in doing what is right. They are only concerned with winning. Victory at any cost. It does not matter whether the person they are voting for is morally upright or not. The “proper” tag behind his/her name is all that matters. This is not good decision making, rather it is a reflexive action along the lines of the famous slogan, “My country, right or wrong.” Keep in mind that Adolf Hitler was elected by people who held their nose as they were pulling the lever. Please remain true to your principles. This country needs people like you who know what is right and will not compromise that.
God does not honor us. We honor God in all things. God doesn’t care who you vote for, Ms. Martin. Mr. Zinke’s scores are on par with a lot of Republicans and I’m not satisfied with those scores. However, isn’t it more feasible to move Ryan Zinke more to the right and make him honor his oath? If the constitution is such a concern of yours. Also, if you’re concern is an abysmal voting record, then it doesn’t make sense to give a radical leftist the seat. If you’re trying to convince yourself it’s ok to vote left when they have had power for two years and our country has been in severe decline, go ahead, but most Montanans won’t participate in your psychosis.
You either didn’t read the article or you failed to understand my points. Zinke is going to do what he wants to do. I am not going to vote “left,” as I clearly articulated in my article. Apparently your definition of psychosis is those of us who are fed up and not going to keep doing Einstein’s version of voting insanity any longer. The horror!
I agree wholeheartedly with MontanaFinn. Sure, Ryan Zinke may not be the “perfect” candidate (how often do we ever get those?) but voting for BLM/ANTIFA Socialist Democrats is political suicide for the United States and Montana. Monica Tranel will be a stooge for Pelosi, Schumer, and the BLM/ANTIFA Democrats–just like Tester is. Plus, she is a lawyer, and we ought not send one more lawyer–Republican or Democrat–to Washington DC. We need a Warrior–NOT a lawyer. On parade for the last two years has been the Democratic Party’s destruction of the United States. The proof is in the pudding, and they won’t stop until they are removed from power. Ryan Zinke has suffered the unjust arrows of “lawfare” and will go to DC armed and ready to put an end to judicial and BLM/ANTIFA Democrat tyranny. He may not be perfect, but he is the perfect picture of righteousness compared to Monica Tranel and everything today’s Democrats represent. Remember–they are the ones who said many times over in the face of the “Make America Great Again” theme that “America…was NEVER great.” Look it up. Zinke is head-and-shoulders better than anything today’s Democrats offer. Vote Ryan Zinke for Congress!!
Politics are complicated and ugly. Unfortunately, it’s not even politics as usual anymore. We face a globalist takeover, and I trust a Warrior with an R by his name to do better in that fight than a Democrat who’ll go along with the current detrimental policies coming from the maladministration in DC. Vote America First!
I definitely do not disagree with your first statement, but I cannot agree with your conclusion. The vast majority of R’s have contributed to these problems and failed to reign in the D’s when they were in charge. For example, there were two years of Bush 43s presidency where the Rs held every majority – president, congress, senate and Supreme Court. But was anything accomplished to prohibit abortion or any other “Republican platform” talking point? No. None of our God-given rights were restored. Instead, the department of Homeland Security, The Patriot Act, warmongering, entitlement programs escalated, etc. all occurred; further trampling the Constitution and causing untold losses in blood and treasure.