A Stranger in a Strange Land

America has turned into a strange, strange land with no moral or ethical compass; where right is wrong, evil is good, and God has been forsaken.

I was born in the first year of the Baby Boomer Generation. My contemporaries started popping out of the womb around May 1946, nine months after the end of World War II. Marxism, socialism, and communism in the American government were un-recognized and confined to the left-overs from the Roosevelt administration.

However, we now know that the brouhaha stirred by the House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator Joseph R. McCarthy were closer to the truth than recognized at the time. The communists hidden in the Deep State of the time did a damn fine job of convincing Americans to poo-poo the whole idea of communist activity in the United States. Many people tried to warn us: Ayn Rand, Robert Heinlein, Robert H. W. Welch, Jr., and many others.

The Greatest Generation was my parent’s generation, who did not listen to these people and we are now living the resulting nightmare.

Going to school in the 1950s and 60s was tremendous; our teachers actually educated us as opposed to indoctrinating us. We were taught California, American, and world history (I was schooled in California, the best education system in America at that time, and thus, in the world). America’s education system was ranked number one in the world in those days. In 2023, America’s education system now ranks somewhere between number 25 and 30 in the world, depending on the source.

Unfortunately, there are two other generations who are just as much at fault as my parent’s generation. The Silent Generation was the in-between generation of my parents and my generation. This is the generation that has produced such stellar Marxists as Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and our Marxist President Uncle Joe Biden. My Baby Boomer Generation gave us Bill Gates, Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and too many more to name. Members of the Silent Generation (probably a misnomer) are the visible perpetrators of our nightmare, but the Baby Boomer Generation was complicit by our silence, too.

On planet earth that God so graciously created for us, there is no could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve. We cannot change the past, and yet the past is the best possible education for the future. Ignore the past at your own peril.

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. The logical common sense America I was raised in has disappeared. There are uneducated zombies in America who somehow think they can change and ignore the past and America will be, in some way, better. These ignorant stupid zombies think that destroying commemorative statues and changing historic names of objects and places fixes something. Trying to change history does nothing but promote ignorance, which, of course, is the very goal of our Marxist government. Truth and education is the deadly enemy of tyrants and dictators.

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. The United States government is guilty of crimes against humanity on several fronts. The government is promoting the sexualization of children, sexual abuse of children, genitalia mutilation of children, murdering the unborn, and doing it unbeknownst to the child’s parents. In the America I grew up in, these crimes put people in prison where even other prisoners treated these people with a special kind of distain.  

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. I was active duty in the United States Army for almost nine years. Military bases all over America were named for appropriate historical military figures. The idiot zombie minions currently in our Marxist government, all of which are high-ranking Department of Defense (DOD) personnel, have blown up history by ignoring the historical fact that even Civil War Confederate figures were Americans too. 

To invoke wokeness to placate a marginal number of people who have chosen to be offended by reality is insane. I will bet dollars to donuts that those pitiful offended souls didn’t spend one day in any branch of the United States military. I am here to tell you that the millions of men and women military veterans alive today are massively offended by this mind-dead action. 

There is no doubt DOD and the individual services are ashamed that they have cow-towed to these shameless woke toadies. How do I know that? Because if they were proud of it, there would have been a great hoopla announcing this action that would have been all over the media. Instead, they have tried to hide their shame, and the media is mute. It has been difficult for me not to include certain expletives that would better satisfy my outrage. 

Here are the Army bases with new names. No announcements have been made regarding the Air Force or Navy bases: 

Ft. Benning is now Ft. Moore

Ft. Bragg is now Ft. Liberty

Ft. Gordon is now Ft. Eisenhower

Ft. A.P. Hill is now Ft. Walker

Ft. Hood is now Ft. Cavazos

Ft. Lee is now Ft. Gregg-Adams

Ft. Pickett is now Ft. Barfoot

Ft. Polk is now Ft. Johnson

Ft. Rucker is now Ft. Novosel

It is long past time for U.S. military leaders to man-up and quit allowing this Marxist government cabal to continue the destruction of the American military’s combat readiness with this woke B.S.

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. In the America of my youth, the United States government was still looking out for the health and welfare of all citizens. Under today’s Marxist Biden Administration, the government’s primary interest is in perpetuating itself and facilitating the professional career politicians, of both parties, in getting richer and richer. Any means to an end. Citizens be damned! 

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. I stand in an America where God and going to church is bad, while all kinds deviant behaviors and certain criminal activities are accepted as normal. I now live in a land where the government is blatantly trying to destroy religion because people of faith are liable to hold government officials accountable just as the Founding Fathers intended.

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. I was raised in an America where men were men and there was no such thing as “toxic masculinity.” The America I knew was one where the men of the United States military were feared by all our enemies and respected by our allies. In the America I know today, both our allies and our enemies no longer respect or fear our military and laugh at the woke joke we call a military. This will not end well if push comes to shove.

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. Needless to say, I could go on and on, but lastly I will point out that the America I grew up in was flush with men and women who cared about America as their country and their fellow American citizens. 

The America I know in 2023 is an America where too many citizens simply do not care about their native country. Too many of today’s Americans have no concern about the uncontrolled foreign invasion perpetrated by their government, the human trafficking allowed by their government, the lost lives of their fellow Americans to drugs, and the tragic murder rates as long as it is not in their neighborhood. Too many Americans are so focused on themselves, and as long as their lives do not get disrupted, they simply do not care what happens to others. 

Today, I stand as a stranger in a strange land. America has turned into a strange, strange land with no moral or ethical compass; where right is wrong, evil is good, and God has been forsaken.

On America’s present course, things will not turn out well, and I will remain a stranger in this strange land.

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Steve Rossiter

Steve Rossiter is a 21-year Missoula resident and a retired aviation professional from federal civil service.

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