The Red Challenge Flag Has Been Thrown
Christian churches across the world must avoid the "queering" of the faith

Stealing from college and professional football, a figurative red challenge flag has been thrown down to challenge American Christian churches, and, to me, that includes all American Christian churches from the southernmost point in South America, Cape Horn, to the northernmost point in North America, Cape Columbia. Western civilization was founded on the Judeo-Christian values espoused in the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible.
Eric Metaxas recently published a wonderful little book (little compared to Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther) called Letter to the American Church. Although I think Metaxas was referring to Christian churches in the United States, I am taking the liberty of including all American churches and even Christian churches worldwide. Metaxas has identified certain parallels in Christian church’s that are failing to confront massive evils in 2023, to the similar failure of Christians in 1930s German Christian Church to confront the evils of its time.
In the 1930s, Christian doctrine and Judeo-Christian values were utterly abandoned by German Christians, which resulted in unimaginable atrocities that later shocked the world. Dietrich Bonhoeffer died as a result of working diligently to raise awareness in the German Christian Church when it began departing from and even violating the values of the Bible.
Some of the United States Christian churches have already followed the path of the German Christian Church by celebrating same sex marriages in the church, although men who lie with men (Leviticus 18:22) was designated an abomination in the Bible. The whole LGBT movement is abhorrent (Deuteronomy 22:5) as well. What does that mean to a Christian church that has a homosexual as a pastor? ;
I do not suggest that homosexuals should be shunned by the Christian church (they are simply sinners like the rest of us), but it is a biblical abomination to formally celebrate their sins in the church. These denials of biblical values by Christian churches represent the camel’s nose under the tent flap that will further take Christianity out of the Christian church, if allowed. That is what happened in the German Christian Church in the 1930s.
“If they can make you accept absurdities, they can then make you commit atrocities.”
Metaxas’ red challenge flag is calling attention to the fact that maybe the Christian church has failed to learn from history and is about to repeat history with its attendant atrocities. There is a lot of evil dark money being invested to try to kill off Christianity so that these pending evil dark atrocities or worse can once again occur.
Do not help your Satan-inspired church leadership pretend that their woke, social justice, queered version of biblical values is your natural state of existence. You know, deep in your heart, that the truth in the Bible is unequivocal about what is truly right and wrong. Do not allow Satan’s minions to trick you into taking Christ’s values out of your church.
“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority.”
Booker T. Washington
Know God, know civilization. No God, no civilization.
Sounds like Ishtar worship.