The Target for Today: Missoula County, Montana

Missoula City and County governance has adopted failed policy positions of places like San Francisco and Portland, and it's really starting to show

"Missoula" by Micah Sheldon. May 2010.

I titled this article like the 8th Air Force in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II would introduce the bomber crews to their mission for the day.  Most Montanans and Missoula County residents don’t understand that we are engaged in a war with an Evil Empire of globalists that have the destruction of America and the American way of life as a strategic target.  It is also unrecognized that the Missoula city and county governments are complicit with policies that will help achieve that evil goal. If you are not aware of United Nations Agenda 21 and the updated Agenda 2030, you have some reading to do. 

For the 23 years I have lived in Missoula County, I have noticed that the Missoula City government and the complicit County Commissioners have been adopting the policies and procedures from the lawless collapsed governments of places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland, all cities that have become some of the major crime infested dung heaps of America. The failed city governments all over America have one major thing in common. They all have Democrat controlled governments. The failed cities have several other things in common, such as lawlessness in the form of permissive stealing of personal property (shoplifting), crimes against the elderly, no support for police, prosecutors that refuse to prosecute, uncontrolled drug problems, homeless overrunning their streets, violent criminal activities, and high homicide rates.  

These are also cities that have adopted policies to concentrate people into densely populated areas (200 to 1,000 unit apartment complexes, for example), which often turn into ghettos. God did not intend for people to live this way, and where it is forced, bad behavior results. Like all the failed cities, Missoula is trying to force Montanans out of private vehicles and on to bicycles and public transportation.  The latest “great” thing is the 15 Minute City concept.  This is a Marxist concept right out of the U.N. agenda and the agenda of the globalist “Great Reset.”  If you like George Orwell’s 1984 lifestyle, you’ll love the 15 Minute City, Missoula is trying to jam down our throats. 

If you think I am exaggerating, there are already used drug needles on our Missoula streets, we also have been instances of the homeless defecating on our streets, and old men have been beaten and killed on our streets. There is no doubt it is worse than we are even aware.  We have a problem in Missoula city and county.  Our government thinks they can make the unworkable work, where there are only failures of these Marxist agendas all over America.  Do our county and city elected officials really think they are smarter than their counterparts in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York City, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and Denver?  Newsflash: They are not.

Please don’t just believe me.  Drive and walk around Missoula and see with your own eyes and ears what our government is turning our city into.  If you like what you see, so be it. If you don’t like what you see, start doing something about it.

“Do or do not. There is no try.” —Yoda

So, Montana and Missoula County voters, what kind of life style do you want?  Are you okay with Missoula becoming another one of America’s crime ridden dung heaps?  If Missoula falls to the Democrat liberal Marxist evil agenda, there will be no stopping it just in Missoula.  Is that what you want your legacy to be?  It is past time to pull the flush handle on the Missoula City and County Marxist Democrat government.  Or will a Democrat controlled Missoula be the first crime ridden dung heap in Big Sky Country?

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Steve Rossiter

Steve Rossiter is a 21-year Missoula resident and a retired aviation professional from federal civil service.


  1. MTBison on May 24, 2023 at 9:06 am

    “cities that have adopted policies to concentrate people into densely populated areas (200 to 1,000 unit apartment complexes, for example), which often turn into ghettos.” You mean, the density policies that the REPUBLICAN legislature just passed (not the city/county of Missoula.)

    • Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on May 24, 2023 at 2:43 pm

      Good point!

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