Holy Spirit Episcopal Church to Host Discussion on “Christian Nationalism”

By Staff Writer

MISSOULA, Mont. (May 11, 2024) — Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, located at 130 S 6th Street East, will host a discussion on Christian Nationalism on May 23 at 6:00 p.m. The church’s Social Concerns team has organized this event to address the topic of Christian Nationalism, which organizers note has been a subject in recent news.
The evening will feature presentations and discussions, incorporating perspectives from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church and Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Attendees will hear about the origins of Christian Nationalism and the positions of the Episcopal and Evangelical Lutheran Churches concerning this movement.
The event will take place in the church’s Parish Hall. For more information and to confirm attendance, visit Holy Spirit Episcopal Church’s website or contact the church office.

Christian Nationalism! “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “Who is my mother and my brothers?” To ask the question is to answer it. There is no such thing as “Christian” nationalism. We are ALL made in God’s Image and, consequently, are all brothers and neighbors. Who are you to say that, “This one is not my brother or my mother or my neighbor.”?