Failure Is The Plan
A feature, not a bug: Analyzing the intentional subversion behind political failures in America's cultural and economic priorities.

By Darin Gaub

The assassination attempt on President Trump caused me to revisit an article I have had on the back burner for nearly a year, maybe longer. Decades of analysis and watching trends while I was in the military and working with multiple government agencies led me to form sound conclusions about a variety of topics in the world of geopolitics and military strategies. The simple conclusion is that sometimes, failure is the plan.
The information and trends I collected, observed, and analyzed during my twenty-eight years of military service and the five years since my retirement are becoming a reality faster than I expected. I hoped those five years would have allowed me some time to start a new career and enjoy an earned retirement after seven deployments, years in the field, and many trips to hostile areas of the world. Instead, I entered the world of political combat one year before the 2020 election and am now connected to wonderful people nationwide and worldwide. The period from January 2020 to today stamped in concrete what I thought was another sound conclusion: if our nation dies, it will be by suicide, not homicide.
The greatest challenge in all this was to see patterns develop that led to these clear conclusions while needing the means to share them, provide warnings to the right or enough people, and have them take it seriously. Many warnings I offered to individuals or small groups were taken seriously, but we were all minor players with no voice. I quickly concluded that most people outside of this tiny, trusted group were not ready to hear or act on what they perceived as unwarranted concerns. That was when conspiracy theories had a much longer shelf life before they became conspiracy facts.
Fast forward to today.
The basic conclusion is simple: the level of failure in this current administration is the plan. To put it another way, I’ll borrow a more current phrase – Biden’s failure is a feature, not a bug.
If Harris were, God forbid, to become President, the plan would continue, and it would also look like a massive failure to normal and reasonable people. The same is true for most who would seek the office of President today. Newsom, Shapiro, and Clinton all would be obedient to the agenda and answer to the masters who pull their strings. They are figureheads in a system that requires ideological purity and adherence. The agencies run everything on behalf of the globalist cabal. They are sacrificial lambs. Joe Biden’s advanced age made him the perfect chess piece and an asset to the system that controlled him and determined that he needed to be put to pasture while a new puppet was found. Someone I am positive they have always wanted to move up one position anyway.
Here are a few examples of failure.
Illegal Alien Invasion
The damage is done, and the plan to flood the nation and change its culture is at an advanced stage. This includes ruining what is left of legitimate elections, as too many states still make it easy to commit fraud. Now, we can only wait for the escalation of criminal behavior and the terrorist acts to come.
Maximize Debt
Decades in the making, our debt load is beyond recovery. Combined with nations joining alternative trading and currency systems, the petrodollar appears to be in terminal decline. Let us hope not.
Woke (Communist) Ideology
To weaken America to the point where it could not defend itself from numerous enemies, the military had to be destroyed from the inside. Communist ideologies had to be planted in the army and get mixed in with the illegal jab mandate to create targets out of patriots and remove them. All the while, promotions to the most senior ranks became based on adherence to the agenda. Obama was most effective at this by removing over 100 flag officers. Finally, merit-based promotions are removed from the equation.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Nobody has been held accountable for Kabul, and nobody will because they were supposed to fail and show a weak America so our enemies would exploit it. Which started when Russia invaded Ukraine. Also, Iran used its newfound financial windfall to fund proxy terror groups that would attack Israel and draw us into another war. Removing Iranian sanctions looked like a failure, but that was the plan. The message of Kabul was also heard by China, which continues to flood our Southern border with single fighting-aged males, while countries empty their jails and send their criminals here as well. As the “Border Czar,” Kamala Harris failed, it is clear she was supposed to. Perpetual wars feed the military-industrial complex; if one war is good, two wars are better. As we stare down the barrel at a possible third, we must remember that wars are often not about national security but profit.
To ensure America is vulnerable to the machinations of the Global Game of Thrones, the failure plan included closing down a pipeline, restricting drilling on federal lands, and making America reliant on foreign energy sources when we had achieved energy independence under Trump. To guarantee that we could not use, for example, the coal just in the Powder River region of Montana, we also needed a manufactured climate crisis. The Powder River could supply all of America’s electricity for 250 years.
We are a nation built on the idea that private property is our birthright. Failure looks like selling off our land and commodities directly to China or through proxy companies beholden to the Chinese Communist Party. This was the plan; they even wrote a book on the subject. It also means allowing our government to be the nation’s largest landowner. In states where property taxes rule the day, we rent our property from the government even when the property is paid off. Owning land is not the limit of this idea though, everything you purchase is yours and nobody else’s.
I could list numerous examples, as I’m sure you could too. However, the most significant point is to stop shaking our heads at the constant failures we see and realize that failure has always been the plan. The plan is working at the federal, state, and local levels—and it is enacted using your tax dollars.
However, they forgot some critical facts.
- We are Americans, and Americans do hard things.
- Nobody can control everybody.
- People are slowly waking up and coming together. The conservative Christian base is the hardest group in society to get to work together, unfortunately. Here is one solution.
- But God. We must always be ready to acknowledge that God is sovereign and acting.
Let us never fear or act out violently. They want this. Let us only do our sacred duty and leave the results to God.