A Reluctant Citizen Journalist’s First Date With AI

Navigating the world of AI: Travis Mateer shares his humorous and revealing first date with ChatGPT, touching on local AI initiatives and fringe concepts.

Photo by Travis Mateer for Western Montana News.

I was only 19 when I started the relationship that lasted 25 years of my life, and being recently divorced, it’s safe to say I don’t have much experience with first dates.  Faced with the terrifying prospect of asking a woman on a date, I opted instead for a first date with ChatGPT.  This article is a brief account of what I learned on that date.

After sitting down, providing an email, and logging in, I now had to feed my date, but thankfully not with expensive food items like a human woman might want in order to get a feel for the size of her date’s wallet.  Chatty-G wants prompts, not oysters, so I did what any narcissistic writer would do.  Who is Travis Mateer, I asked Chatty, and this was Chatty’s reply:

Ok, not too bad, but I’ve seen the criticism about AI from other journalists, like Matt Taibbi, and accuracy does seem to be a problem.  Would it be a problem for me on this first date?  Yes, it would.

But first, I’m not the only one thinking about the impacts of AI.  The most recent City Club topic was billed as AI Under the Big Sky:  Reviewing the Current State of Artificial Intelligence, but for reasons I can’t explain right now, I wasn’t able to attend.

Who were the panelists?  I can’t answer that, since the website didn’t include that information.  All I can say is that the unnamed panelists expounded on this description:  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest trend in information technology, driving significant national investment as tech companies race to integrate “intelligent” tools into their products.  What does this mean for Missoula?  Join City Club Missoula to explore how local companies and organizations are utilizing generative AI and the challenges that come with this highly anticipated technology.

AI Under the Big Sky: Reviewing the Current State of Artificial Intelligence. City Club Missoula.

On a larger cultural stage, the Olympics in Paris gave Google an opportunity to thoroughly creep people out by showing a dad using AI to help his daughter write an athlete a fan letter.  Here’s how an article I read at Zerohedge described the reaction:

Professor Shelly Palmer of Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications noted “This is exactly what we do not want anyone to with AI.  Ever.

The globalist technocrat mindset is that children shouldn’t have to think for themselves and the human authenticity factor of a child’s imagination wasn’t even a consideration.

The ad reminded some of Apple’s iPad app from earlier this year, which saw musical instruments, art materials, cameras and basically anything creative being literally crushed in a giant  mechanical press and replaced with the tablet.

They’re seemingly proud to be destroying human imagination, creativity and talent.

It was so bad, Apple had to apologize and scrap plans to broadcast it.

Google Slammed Over “Soul Crushing” AI Olympics Ad. ZeroHedge. Aug 1, 2024.

Getting back to my date, I was curious what Chatty thought about some fringe concepts I’m interested in, like Predictive Programming and Synchromysticism.  Here’s Chatty’s responses:

Do I find these definitions useful?  Kind of, in a similar way I find Wikipedia to be useful when it comes to providing baseline, mainstream definitions for things, even things that aren’t mainstream.  But useful enough to warrant a second date?  Hardly.

Another trait—one that I wouldn’t tolerate in a human—is the trait of purposeful misrepresentation in order to achieve unstated goals.  Even misrepresentation out of ignorance is distasteful, and should be amended when pointed out.  I gave Chatty several different iterations of the general prompt best represented by this Q&A:

Chatty didn’t do much better with other questions I already had the answers to, and just kept doubling down.  What a total turn-off, Chatty!  But what do you do when someone, or someTHING, says something so clearly wrong, you start wondering if, maybe, things REALLY aren’t what they seem.  

What happened to Sean Stevenson in Missoula?  And what to Johnny Lee Perry?  And Rebekah Barsotti?  And Joey Thompson?

Ok, I thought, a second date is looking like a long shot.  But, as I’ve learned from my interactions on the street, when I bring it all back to toy bricks, it always seems to get better.  

What does Chatty think about the idea of a LEGO METH LAB?

What’s a little delusional and/or schizo-peek into a different timeline when your partner makes you SMILE!  Chatty, I think AT LEAST one more date will be required for me to see if there’s any THERE there.  

Thanks for reading!

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Travis Mateer

Travis "William Skink" Mateer is an artist and citizen journalist documenting the New Normal in Missoula, Montana. Read more of his work at Zoom Chron.


  1. J_Putman on August 9, 2024 at 5:34 pm

    I believe that the Missoula City Club event regarding AI is still to come, on Monday August 12.

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