Montana Freedom Caucus Announces Tax Rebate Bill
The bill distributes revenue back to Montana taxpayers through income tax rebates and property tax refunds and will help pay down state owned long-term debt

HELENA, MT – The Montana Freedom Caucus (MTFC) announced House Bill 307 at the Montana State Capitol yesterday. Representative Jerry Schillinger, House District 37, discussed how this bill will return a greater amount of revenue back into the pockets of Montana’s taxpayers when compared to any other rebate bills. He credited the work of the legislative sessions in 2019 and 2021 for helping create an environment for Montana’s economy to thrive. He also credited Governor Gianforte for opening Montana’s economy after he assumed office.
House Bill 307 distributes revenue back to the Montana taxpayer through individual income tax rebates and property tax refunds. It also helps to pay down state owned long-term debt and transfers remaining funds to the Coal Severance Tax Trust Fund.
This bill is critical to Montanans as it provides the greatest amount of economic relief to Montana citizens and does not allow for government growth. The Freedom Caucus believes government programs should be funded with ongoing funding and not be funded from a temporary windfall.
“We didn’t win the lottery,” Representative Schillinger said adding that, “This legislature and Governor has an historic opportunity to return a huge over budget collection of taxes to the taxpayers who paid them while taking care of the responsibilities of State government. Montana taxpayers don’t have overflowing savings accounts. Their money shouldn’t be sitting in overflowing State savings accounts.”