Ravalli County Republicans Buck State GOP, Schedule Convention
The Montana GOP's new rule on county convention scheduling violates state law, deprives local voices, and is out of order.

By Doug Bohn

On July 16th, 2022, the Montana GOP issued a new rule to all county central committees. This rule moved all county central committee conventions dates to August 1st through November 1st, well after the state GOP convention scheduled for June 9th.
Traditionally, local county central committee’s hold their own conventions prior to the state convention so that they may elect delegates to represent the county at the state convention.
The state GOP convention is vitally important to determining the priorities of the state GOP and the new rule would essentially block the locals from sending new representatives.
As I could not understand the purpose for this change, I began investigating. What I found was that this new “rule” was in direct conflict with Montana law. MCA 13-38-205, to be specific:
13-38-205: Organization and operation of committee.
(1) The committee shall meet prior to the state convention of its political party and organize by electing a presiding officer and one or more vice presiding officers.
(6) The county convention shall elect delegates and alternate delegates to the state convention under rules of the state party. The presiding officer and secretary of the county convention shall issue and sign certificates of election of the delegates.
I notified the MT GOP of this violation Saturday, March 4th. I have not, as of this writing, received a reply.
At the March meeting of the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee (RCRCC), under new business, I put forward a motion for our assembly to schedule our County Convention immediately, in compliance with state law.
Surprisingly, this motion was met with strong resistance from the “leadership” of our organization. In fact, when I mentioned that I had informed the state GOP about the conflict with their memo and with state law, the chair made mention of when my communication was sent.
Interesting, because I had told no one of my communication with the Montana GOP up to that point.
The chair of the Central Committee, without surrendering the chair (as required by our governing rules found in Robert’s Rules of Order), involved himself in the debate focused on my motion. He stated the RCRCC was subservient to the MT GOP as we were a subdivision of that organization, and that therefore we should go along with the MT GOP’s new rule. This is where I drew the line.
I stood and objected to the chair’s input and stated, “If you think that I am going to don a Stasi uniform and abide by a rule of ‘superiors’ that is in direct conflict with State Law, you are sorely mistaken.”
Fortunately, this ended debate on the motion. The motion passed, nearly unanimous, with one dissenter.
The County Convention of the Ravalli County Republican Central Committee is scheduled for May 16th, at 7:00pm.
It is vitally important that all central Committees across the state be made aware of this law before they find themselves is violation of the law and unable to elect delegates to the state convention in June, only three months away
From this point forward, should Republican Central Committees choose to embrace the MT GOP rule and ignore State Law, they should be prepared for all their votes cast at State Convention to be legally challenged.
Here is a copy of the original email I sent to the MT GOP on March 4th, 2023:
Hello Debbie,
I write to you as I have no other responsive contact within the MTGOP.
Regarding the latest MT GOP rules adopted July 16th, 2022 reads:
Election of County Officers. Each County Central Committee must hold a convention for the purpose of organizing the Central Committee between August 1 and November 1 in each odd-numbered year. The State Chairman shall mail notice of this requirement at least ten (10) days prior to the period that elections may commence. Such conventions shall be called and notice of the call must be given as provided by state law. The County Chairman shall preside at the county convention and no person other than a duly elected or appointed Committeeman, Committeewoman or officer of the committee is entitled to participate in the convention. Only duly elected and appointed Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen will be allowed to vote. Appointed Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen shall have the same rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities as elected Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen.
Yet MCA 13-38-205 Reads:
13-38-205. Organization and operation of committee.
(1) The committee shall meet prior to the state convention of its political party and organize by electing a presiding officer and one or more vice presiding officers.
(6) The county convention shall elect delegates and alternate delegates to the state convention under rules of the state party. The presiding officer and secretary of the county convention shall issue and sign certificates of election of the delegates.
The violation of the existing MCA by these newly released rules is blatant. I fail to understand the purpose of this change in the County Convention schedule and how this change would in any way be advantageous to the Republican Party.
The MCA is clear and unambiguous. The word SHALL is purposely used.
Please escalate this violation of state law to the highest level of MTGOP leadership. They must rectify this violation of state law by providing revised rules returning the County Convention schedule back to its traditional first quarter of the calendar year to be released immediately. Please accomplish this correction prior to the A.G. becoming aware of this violation of the law.
I fail to see how the state through a statute has any authority to dictate to a private party such as the Republican Party their times of meetings, etc. What’s next statutes dictating the times when a church convention meets, when the board of directors meets of any non-profit. The Constitution says nothing about the authority of the state concerning meetings times of partisan parties.
Interesting point. What do you think about the MT GOP making it impossible to send new delegates from the counties by ordering the county conventions to occur after the state convention?