Doug Bohn

Former V.P./Spokesman for Montanans For Multiple Use. Current Precinct 17 Captain, Ravalli County.
Politically active since mid-1980's

All posts from Doug

Montana GOP Doubles Down on Blocking New Delegates to State Convention

By Doug Bohn / March 20, 2023

A spark has been lit and a fire is kindling. Yes, a fire! Why a fire? Because, should it continue, it could consume an entire state political party, or at least those within said party, that are desperately clinging to power. The party I speak of is the Republican Party here in Montana. The first…

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Ravalli County Republicans Buck State GOP, Schedule Convention

By Doug Bohn / March 10, 2023

On July 16th, 2022, the Montana GOP issued a new rule to all county central committees. This rule moved all county central committee conventions dates to August 1st through November 1st, well after the state GOP convention scheduled for June 9th. Traditionally, local county central committee’s hold their own conventions prior to the state convention…

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Republican’s “Big Tent”: A Flawed Philosophy

By Doug Bohn / July 14, 2022

People claiming to be “conservative” like to champion the value of Reagan’s concept of the “Big Tent”, welcoming everyone into the party to win the vote. Let’s examine this “value” by looking through history since value can only be established by grading results. The concept of a “big tent” gave us our first president to…

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