Montana GOP Doubles Down on Blocking New Delegates to State Convention

The new rule from the Montana GOP violates state law and disenfranchises local parties, but MT GOP Executive Director says GOP lawyers okayed it

A spark has been lit and a fire is kindling. Yes, a fire! Why a fire? Because, should it continue, it could consume an entire state political party, or at least those within said party, that are desperately clinging to power. The party I speak of is the Republican Party here in Montana.

The first spark of this fire occurred in July of 2022, when the MT GOP adopted a “New Rule” intending to change all the Republican Central Committees’ County Convention schedules from the traditional first quarter of the year, to the fourth quarter of the year, in odd-numbered years. This move blocks local parties from selecting newly elected delegates to this year’s state convention. As with many sparks, this one laid low, smoldering.

Then as the State Convention grew near, I, being curious, disturbed the area where this spark was hiding. Poof! The smoldering spark gained oxygen. The oxygen was in the form of a letter I sent to the MT GOP. This letter pointed out that the “rule” adopted by the MT GOP in July of 22 was in direct violation of Montana State Law.

This spark soon became a flame that has the potential to do real damage to the MT GOP. How, you ask? Because, believe it or not, there are many true, law-abiding, God-fearing, honest American Republicans in this state who believe that state laws supersede rules adopted by mere leaders of any political party. A view obviously not shared by the MT GOP.

Here is the response from the MT GOP to all Chairs of Republican central committees throughout the state. Apologies for the “legalese” contained herein used to justify their claim that they are above the law:

From: Danielle Tribble <>

Date: Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 2:48 PM

Subject: Interpretation of Rules and Montana Code

Good afternoon Republican Central Committee Chairs,

I know there have been questions circulating around whether the MTGOP Bylaws violate Mont. Code Ann. § 13-38-205. To get to the bottom of this, I asked the MTGOP’s legal counsel to dig into the matter for us and determine whether or not this was the case. The findings have determined that MTGOP bylaws DO NOT violate Mont. Code Ann. § 13-38-205.

The MTGOP may not enact rules that conflict with Montana law. However, § 13-38-205(6) states that county conventions shall elect delegates to the state convention under the rules of the state party. The rule at issue governs when county central committees are to hold their county conventions. Because the statute allows MTGOP to make rules governing county conventions, the subject rule does not conflict with the statute.

Reading the entire statute in context and in relation to other statutes in Title 13, Chapter 38, it is clear that the term “committee,” as used in § 13-38-205(1), refers to the state central committee. Section 13-38-205(6), on the other hand, governs county conventions. This provision states that county conventions must elect delegates to the state convention under the rules of MTGOP. Therefore, county central committees must follow the 2022 Rule. To the extent there is any question about whether delegates elected prior to the adoption of the rule are valid delegates, it is reasonable to presume that the county central committees were aware of and intended for delegates and county central committee officers elected at the prior convention to serve through the next regularly scheduled county convention, to be held between August 1, 2023, and November 1, 2023. The rule is clear and unambiguous, and therefore its intent can be derived from its plain language.

Therefore, the 2022 Rule does not conflict with the requirements of Mont. Code Ann. § 13-38-205.

Thank you,


Danielle Tribble

Executive Director

Montana Republican Party

1300 Aspen Street, Ste. B

Helena, MT 59601


Yep, nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

Curiously, MT GOP executive director Danielle Trimble stated it was “reasonable to presume” that delegates chosen last year, before the rule change was even voted and approved, knew that they were being elected for last years convention and now (after this rule change) this years convention.

I know I am not making friends in the GOP here. My integrity is more important than what people say. Besides, I’m already unpopular with the “establishment” members of our local Central Committee.

Here is the applicable MCA (emphasis added):

13-38-205. Organization and operation of committee.

(1) The committee shall meet prior to the state convention of its political party and organize by electing a presiding officer and one or more vice presiding officers. The gender of the presiding officer and the vice presiding officer may not be the same. The committee shall elect a secretary and other officers as necessary. It is not necessary for the officers to be precinct committee representatives.

(2) The committee may select managing or executive committees and authorize subcommittees to exercise all powers conferred upon the county, city, state, and congressional central committees by the election laws of this state.

Pretty straight forward right? Does this seem to apply only to the State GOP?

“HOWEVER” (My favorite legalese word)

Sorry, not sorry! The historic record evidences the date previous County Conventions have been held, along with every County Republican Central Committee By-laws (the governing documents adopted by the local central committees) that I have reviewed, specify that County Conventions, to elect new leadership, are to be held between February 1st and May 1st. This is to insure that the local central committees are not violating State Law. I assure you that there are no central committees who intend to not “elect delegates to the state convention under the rules of the state party.” They shall be elected as specified, one male and one female as the “rules” require.

I encourage every individual that still believes in the rule of law to contact your local Precinct Representative, your Local County Central Committee Chair,(these numbers are available through your local elections office) and the MT GOP (number listed above) encouraging them to abide by the law and hold the local County Conventions “prior to the party’s State Convention.”

If you, as a conservative that worked and voted to send a “Supermajority” to Helena for this legislative session, do not feel betrayed, you simply have not been paying attention.

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Doug Bohn

Former V.P./Spokesman for Montanans For Multiple Use. Current Precinct 17 Captain, Ravalli County. Politically active since mid-1980's


  1. Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 21, 2023 at 2:47 pm

    Fortunately, per my email & phone, the ones that actually matter in this issue, I.E. The County Committee Members, are becoming awake to the point of this article. Maybe some of those will to be willing to brush off the slings & arrows of the haters and do the right thing as well. I am not alone in this fight!

  2. Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 20, 2023 at 6:20 pm

    Comical, this is very familiar territory for me. When they whose beliefs and goals are in opposition to the truth, they have no option but to get angry and attack. This FACT of human nature is widely displayed here in most of the comments. Here they can’t attack the facts so they attack the one who stands upon it.This tact is familiar to me because, way back when, as I was cutting my baby teeth in political debate, my opponents used the same tactic. It was easy for me to see the flaws in their approach. My response? I just didn’t care what people think about me because I learned a long time ago that most people don’t (think).You see, I cut those baby teeth on the high paid activists sent by the Friends of the Wild Swan, The Wilderness Association and Earth First. By-the-way, I WON. Killing FOUR Wilderness bills here in Montana. So, if you mud-slingers think you bother me, you’re wrong. This is fun to me and it will get more fun when you run out of mud and have to actually speak to the FACTS.

  3. Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 20, 2023 at 2:54 pm

    Isn’t it interesting folks will oviscate and deflect by attacking the messenger. I have never made nor expected a dime from my dedication to protect and defend the rights of my fellow citizens regardless of their political affiliation. I stand on the TRUTHS that have always been.If you wonder if I’m overplaying the impact of America First patriots on the MTGOP, research SB 503 introduced by TOP MTGOP players. Be sure to watch the testimonials as well.The Precinct Strategy is effective. Efforts simular to SB 503 were recently attempted in AZ & SD as well.So what is YOUR guess as to WHY the MTGOP wished to preserve the current leadership of the RCCs?

  4. Avatar photo inhisarms on March 20, 2023 at 9:36 am

    Has anyone asked the MT GOP why they changed the rule? Seems like a good place to start. If their reason is good, then maybe you should act like you are are one with them and adopt the change. Why does everything have to be a fight that causes division within our party?I was on the RC Central Committee and left because of everything that Tim Adams is saying. No one actually contacted the people in their precinct as they took an oath to do. They had monthly meetings, backdoor meetings where they rigged their elections for the positions within the committee, and did a fundraiser. Basically a social club with so much infighting. They even fought about who to support in a primary, which they aren’t supposed to do and decided which candidate would get any funding. No wonder they have such a bad name within the state and County.

    • Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on March 20, 2023 at 10:37 am

      I’ve asked but they have not responded.

      • Avatar photo inhisarms on March 20, 2023 at 11:13 am

        Have you talked directly to Danielle Trimble or Don K?

        • Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on March 20, 2023 at 11:28 am

          I don’t have Don K.’s contact information so he was not included in my contact with the GOP. I have reached out to Danielle. Will share her reply if she responds.

  5. Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on March 20, 2023 at 9:21 am

    Now that more of the grassroots are involved in the local county Republican central committees, it seems that the MT GOP wants to block the newer voices from the process of directing the party’s priorities.

  6. MTBison on March 20, 2023 at 9:00 am

    The fact the Montana Republican party is even attempting to defend this power grab as, “well, it was legal,” should be a warning to all. Either way, it’s a power grab designed to silence the rank and file Republicans.

    • Hilly on March 20, 2023 at 10:04 am

      All laws are unpalatable when they go against what YOU believe.

    • Hilly on March 20, 2023 at 10:27 pm

      I think you all ought to read what the lady, Danielle stated – if you don’t like it register as Democrat. seems to me she makes sense!!

    • KKlove on March 21, 2023 at 7:47 am

      Exactly what’s going. The club doesn’t like conservatives.

  7. Avatar photo Tim Adams on March 20, 2023 at 8:58 am

    Doug I’ve lived in the Bitterroot for 2 years now and you’re my precinct representative.Never once have I had you call about my ballot, do a single lick of campaigning, gotten one letter, one phone call or anything, this despite taking my $ and info for all of those two years.Considering people like myself who would actually like the Ravalli GOP to DO SOMETHING other than fight can’t get into positions of power because do-nothings like yourself would rather fight ourselves, why should anyone take this seriously?Again, more letters on websites and emails. Did you get into politics bc you love paperwork and hearing yourself talk? Just waiting for any of you Republicans who insist on holding onto the reins of power to actually DO YOUR EFFING JOBS. You represent other people whether you want to actually do it or not! No credibility to bash the state GOP when the county GOP is such a s-show!What does it even matter who the delegates are! You don’t DO ANYTHING! You’re fighting and preening for nothing but ego, man.

    • Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on March 20, 2023 at 9:24 am

      Sound like projection, Tim!

      • Hilly on March 20, 2023 at 10:11 am

        IT isn’t the grassroots Roy – it’s the John Birchers. We don’t want or need their divisive actions in our groups in the valley.

        • Avatar photo Roy McKenzie on March 20, 2023 at 10:28 am

          I don’t believe all the new members of the central committees are “John Birch-ers.” And I am not opposed to people who would identify as “John Birch-ers” either.

          Outside of attacking Doug here, what do you think about the GOP blocking new delegates to the state convention?

    • Hilly on March 20, 2023 at 10:10 am

      Amen Tim. The John Birchers of whom Doug is a member packed the Ravioli County Gop Central Committee with their “friends” and it results in loud screaming matches and nothing being done. They would put Jerry springer to shame. I too have NEVER been contacted by any of their members or my precinct chairman and they have done nothing for this county but create controversy, anger, and a do nothing attitude. They like titles but not work. Let’s register independent or start a NEW AMERICA FIRST party and encourage all who really want an effective political party to represent them to join. The GOP Is lost. The leadership of the county central committee is worthless. Most of the precinct people are power hungry Birchers who are trying to take over. PUSH THEM BACK is what we used to shout at the high school football games. Let’s do it for this writer and his group working behind the scenes. And BTW – Doug needs the money. From stories that abound about him, HE has filed bankruptcy from what I heard – and he presumes to lecture others?

      • Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 20, 2023 at 2:13 pm

        Well Hilly, at least I am willing to put my real name out there. I see you throw stones from behind the wall of anonymity. That says COWARD!My bankruptcy was OVER 40 years ago! And yes, I recienty joined the John Birch Society for one reason. They stand on and promote ALL the values I learned were important coming up through cub scouts and Boy Scouts and are about the only organization that still PROUDLY STANDS and promotes those Godly, Constitutional principles today many decades since their founding. Show me another such principled organization and I may join them too.

        • Avatar photo Tim Adams on March 20, 2023 at 4:34 pm

          Boy Scouts of America changed policies in 2017 to allow girls & trans. they had to update the belief in God to be nonsectarian since so many Eagle Scouts kept not believing in God.

          • Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 20, 2023 at 4:54 pm

            Thank you for making my point Tim. Now, show me an organization that HAS, AND STILL STANDS on the Constitution as originally written over the last 60+ years of erosion like the aforementioned one.And AGAIN what about the point of the article? WHAT?! Too much truth to attact?

      • Avatar photo Tim Adams on March 20, 2023 at 4:28 pm

        You’re right. Doug just proves your point when the first word out of his mouth is an insult.I worked in GOP politics for a long time for several candidates and other Central Committees. The people in Ravalli are insular, rude & very unChristian. They don’t explain anything going on, they waste huge amounts of peoples’ time having pointless arguments, do everything secretively & instantly accuse you if you question. The dysfunction in Missoula and Ravalli are so bad cancer wins more races against Missoula Democrats, yet nobody wants to step in and they won’t give up any power. We have no leadership in the MTGOP. The rot needs to stop.No joke first meeting they read a letter from someone who MOVED AWAY bc the CentComm was so toxic. They don’t welcome new members, but they’re happy to take your money to waste. They send out no information/emails and do no actual campaigning. As far as I can tell 90% of the time is spent in some old vendetta against Jason Ellsworth. The Republican Party was founded in 1855 for freedom to fight for the God-given rights of man. They disgrace it with their constant infighting and eagerness to accomplish nothing en masse.If you aren’t there to work for and improve the Republican party I seriously wonder what people show up for. Seen at least a dozen come and go in a few meetings bc no one can stand to sit and listen to arguments for 2 hours every month that result is nothing being done. Tons of potential completely wasted by mismanagement & egos. Kind of gross to see older adults who seem to have so much time and energy to waste getting into arguments like middle school girls when actual work needs to be done. These are our elders?!? We gonna give Tester a 4th term bc the whole state is stacked with do-nothing ToastMasters like Doug? You’d think people who call themselves Christian might have a bit more grace, generosity & humility. Try living your values sometime. XD

        • Shooter on March 20, 2023 at 6:15 pm

          “They don’t explain what’s going on” but yet no one is allowed to tell you what’s going on because “we don’t want to make the Republican candidates look bad”. You haven’t gotten emails or communication because the PR chair is never there, our vice chair and state committee woman are rarely there and our education chair hasn’t been there in 14 months. While you’ve been sleeping, some of your Ravalli County Republican legislators have voted or introduced bills to allow noncitizens to vote, allow obscene materials in the schools, establish infrastructure for a Central Bank Digital Currency and fought hard against election integrity. Years of that has gotten us where we are today and yet you still want us to go along to get along? How is that working out for you?

    • Avatar photo Doug Bohn on March 20, 2023 at 2:01 pm

      Tim, I’m new to Precinct 17. The seat was empty. I take it you vacated it since you are so critical of those who replaced you. You must be sorely missed.

      • Avatar photo Tim Adams on March 20, 2023 at 4:13 pm

        Strange since the officers have told me since Aug/Sept that it was full.How long have you been in the position? What did you do for the fall election? I kept my ballot for several weeks wondering if I would get even ONE call to return it. That would have been YOUR job, right?Same people who wouldn’t lift a finger to put one dime towards the abortion amendment because they were too busy drafting loyalty oaths. Now more unborn children can die since its clear your type wants to feel important more than you want to work for conservative values. The Book of Matthew warned us about you Pharisees who need to virtue signal as publicly as possible while doing no real works.Pro tip! Ellsworth Bedey & Binkley have NOTHING to worry about as long as you are their competiton. Speeches don’t win elections.

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