Julie Martin


Bukacek Questioning Green Energy Sources is Not “Anti-Green”

Considering the cost to build, maintain, and dispose of wind turbines, calling wind power renewable because we have wind is equivalent to saying automobiles are renewable because we have roads. It just does not add up.

October 19, 2022 . By Julie Martin

The Lesser of Two Evils is Still Evil

Ryan Zinke’s congressional candidacy has once again shone a spotlight on a concept I like to call “Einstein’s definition of political insanity”: the action of voting for the lesser of two evils, repeatedly (simply because “he’s a Republican!”), and thinking that, magically, the candidate will morph into a principled politician. Someone who instead looks out […]

September 28, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Anyone Else Longing For “The Good Old Days”?

They say that youth is wasted on the young and the older I get, the truer that saying becomes.  How many of us can remember our grandparents waxing nostalgic about “the good old days” and we would secretly laugh them off?  I am discovering the older I get, the more I miss my grandparents and […]

June 23, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Montana PSC Primary Voters Decided Who Is Really Looking Out For Us

Despite slanderous accusations from her opponent, her presumptive primary win for Public Service Commission and recently released footage of COVID lockdown meetings of the Flathead Health Board vindicate Dr. Annie Bukacek’s fight for liberty.

June 16, 2022 . By Julie Martin

The Flathead County Health Officer Selection Debacle

It has been two years since the Flathead County Health Board started its search for a replacement health officer and based on actions from the board and recommendations from outside recruiting firms, the board will not be making a permanent selection until 2023. The Flathead County Health Department has been seeking a Health Officer for […]

June 6, 2022 . By Julie Martin

What Does Candidate Ronalee Skees Not Understand About Individual Liberty?

I have been accused of being a “hater” or part of a “hate group,” because I have written and spoken truthfully and critically about Ronalee Skees, candidate for House District 11, and why I think she is unqualified to be my representative.  The truth of the matter is that this is not a personal vendetta.  […]

May 17, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Do We Really Need More Passive Acquiescence?

After 12 years as Flathead County Commissioner, Pam Holmquist is seeking re-election to yet another 6-year term to the Flathead Board of County Commissioners, which would make Holmquist’s total tenure on the board about 18 years should she win re-election.  Ronalee Skees, a member of the Flathead County Health Board, is seerking election to House […]

May 3, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Annie Bukacek for Public Service Commission District 5

Dr. Annie Bukacek’s careful attention to detail and the voracious and meticulous research she has done during her time as a member of the Flathead County Health Board are notable. She has taken her role on the board very seriously and it is noteworthy that not only did she recognize the real truth about the reality of […]

April 21, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Montana’s House District 11 Needs Someone With a Strong Spine

If Ronalee Skees was unable to stand up for individual liberty and defend her own record as a member of the Flathead County Health Board, how can District 11 voters trust she will stand up for what is right if she is elected?

April 18, 2022 . By Julie Martin

Flathead Health Board Accountability: Get Your Popcorn!

Conservatives in Flathead County prove that regardless of party affiliation, if a candidate for public office voted for lockdowns, their actions will not be memory-holed and they will be held to account.

March 17, 2022 . By Julie Martin